Weight Loss Ticker - Fat to Phat =)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 7 of the so called Hell Diet

My smart hubby went jogging 4 miles yesterday, while I was at work and when I got home, he was ready to pass out!!! So I had to start cooking immediately and we had 2 boiled eggs and a cup of grated carrots. The carrots were much better today!! I reminded him that he cannot do strenuous exercise like jogging until after this diet.

After dinner, we worked on the yard for an hour and then walked one hour. I just got the Leslie Sansone Walk Your Way Thin dvd, so I decided to try it out last night. It's a 2 mile walk with some exercise and it was really good! Day 6 was complete and successful!!

Herman's underwear have gotten so loose on him that I had to go and buy new ones. He used to wear a size 44 and now his size is 36-38. wow!!!!!

Day 7 - The morning started out with a delicious cup of black coffee lol Did you notice how hunger makes you love things you really hate hahahaha. Then we went out for an hour walk. After we did about 30 minutes of yard work.

I had a baby shower to go to, so I had to eat my lunch before I left. For lunch we had a large piece of chicken and one orange. It was good and very filling!!!

The baby shower was a test of my commitment. There were bubble gums on the tables, which I almost forgot and came close to putting it in my mouth lol. There was so much good food and cake, but my commitment was so much stronger. The weight loss is really showing, because I got a lot of compliments!!!

By the time the party was over, it was 6 pm. I was starving. I had to drop off my cousins and then head home. We were eating dinner by 8 pm. Our dinner was amazing tonight. We had an omelet with 5 slices of ham and a huge green salad with balsamic vinegar.

After that, I put my walking shorts and we headed out for another walk of one hour!!!

Herman has dropped 13 pounds in 6 days and his blood sugar was 118....can you believe it!!!!

sea ya!!

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