Weight Loss Ticker - Fat to Phat =)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have not fallen off the earth, I am still here lol. I have been scanning pictures and haven't made time for blogging. I am almost done with this project and then I will be more diligent about writing on a daily basis!

I haven't been doing horrible, but I haven't been doing well enough to lose weight. I will have a weigh in on Monday and start fresh to see if I either lose weight in December or at least maintain.

This is such a difficult time of the year. There is so much socializing and eating. I try to taste most of the stuff and not eat too much of it!

I count my blessings and one of them is that I was strong enough to lose some weight this year. I have gotten rid of 25 pounds and I NEVER WANT TO SEE THEM AGAIN!!!

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving Day and a wonderful long weekend!!

Sea ya on Monday!!

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