Weight Loss Ticker - Fat to Phat =)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Buckle down time Melinda!!!

Today's Numbers:
Starting Weight: 170 lbs
Last Weigh In: 142 lbs
Today's Weigh In: 146 lbs
Weight Loss This Week: GAINED 4 LBS
Total Weight Loss: 24 lbs
Goal Weight: 135 lbs

So the no way ins, really didn't do me any good and neither did the Halloween candy. I am also hoping that some of this is water weight. So it is time to buckle down and do this right this week.

I do not have any events coming up, so I have no excuse not to do this right!!!

I will do my grocery tonight and do my exercise and get back on the right track!!! I hate it when I can't stick to what I really want to do!!!! shit!

Sea ya!!


I love comments, whether they are praises or "get your ass in gear" or quotes or a motivational tid bit....JUST SAY IT AS IT IS!!!