Weight Loss Ticker - Fat to Phat =)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weigh In and Weekend Update

Today's Numbers:
Starting Weight: 170lbs
Last Weigh In: 140.9 lbs
Today's Weigh In: 143 lbs
Weight Loss This Week: - 2.1 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 27 lbs
Goal Weight: 135 lbs

Do you see that red font...THAT is a WEIGHT GAIN!!! shit lol .... WhY??? Well, its simple, I ate too much, I drank too much and I didn't have time for all my exercise!!!! A perfect recipe for disaster!!!
What do you do when this happens? You buckle down, get back to basics and stay on a straight line!!! NO MORE deviations !!

The pictures above are some dinners that I had made... A shrimp pizza and a Cottage cheese Lasagna.....BOTH were delicious!!!

This week, I am cutting back on the Carbs and the sweets!!! It is time to hit that 139!!!

Black coffee = 0 points
Salad = 6 points'
Chicken = 3 points
SF Jello & Cool Whip = 1 point
Ground Turkey= 3 points
Veggie Stir Fry = 2 points
Salad = 3 points
Total = 18 points

I will do my long walk when I get home and I will NOT eat anything after dinner!!!

Sea ya!!!


  1. Don't lose that feeling you had about losing weight! Go back to your old posts and look at how motivated you were!

  2. Yup, I know. I have been reading some blogs and everyone goes through the same shit lol

    I need to get my ass in gear, cuz I really want to fit into my wedding rings!!!



I love comments, whether they are praises or "get your ass in gear" or quotes or a motivational tid bit....JUST SAY IT AS IT IS!!!