Weight Loss Ticker - Fat to Phat =)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 4 of the Hell Diet (or is it Heavenly)

Yesterday, after work, I got home and we worked on the yard for an hour. I was melting from the heat. I got a little weak, so it was time for dinner. I prepared a nice green salad with red wine vinegar and then made a 2 egg omelet with 5 slices of thin ham. Set a pretty table with a tall glass of ice water..... mmmmmm mmmmm good dinner!!! Afterwards, we went walking for an hour. Day 3 was complete and successful!!!

Day 4 - I had black coffee and a toast for breakfast. The black coffee is really starting to taste better now. Each bite of the toast was totally heavenly. It is amazing how slowly you can actually eat hahaha

I had 7 slices of thin, cooked ham, one boiled egg and 3 grated carrots. I cut up the egg in 4 pieces and added salt and pepper. I arranged it on a plate with the 7 pieces of ham on the side. I had the grated carrots in a side container. A little bite of egg, a little bite of ham and a fork full of carrots...not too bad. I am not a big raw carrot lover unless it is dipped in dressing, but when you are really hungry, carrot taste better than before. I really had to force the carrots, because when you first put carrot in your mouth, it's kinda yucky, but when it gets mixed in with the food, it's alright lol. please note that I said alright. The water fills in all the empty holes in your belly lol

When I get home, we will do another hour of landscaping and then walk for an hour.

Today is our 32nd Wedding Anniversary!! So to make it romantic, I will set the table up on the roof top, with candles. We will be having a fruit salad and a cup of nonfat yogurt. I have watermelon, canteloupe, cherries, grapes, and pineapple. The yogurt I bought is coconut flavored. I have cute dessert plates for the yogurt and a nice bowl for the fruits. I am looking forward to eating tonight!!! oh and lets not forget, that glass filled with ice and yummy Key Largo water!!!

Herman has lost 10 pounds after completing 3 days of this diet. He is SO motivated and is hoping for a 20 pound weight loss by the end. Most importantly, he has taken his blood sugar again and it was at 154!!!! That is the lowest it has ever been!!! His total weight loss of 34 pounds is doing his body good! I am so excited for him. He is saving his life!!! His underwear don't even fit him anymore lol I told him to throw them away after he wears them and we would invest in a new size to hold his jewels lol lol

I have lost enough weight already to have everyone at work start telling me how noticeable the weight loss is. I can now wear clothes that are fitting me properly, the ones that I had bought from before, that were just hanging in the closet, waiting for me to lose weight. I have to go through my closet and get rid of anything that is already big on me!! I LOVE TO DO THAT!!! lol I have to do like Sandy and her jeans, that she will NOT buy anything bigger than what she already has!!! I want PERMANENT changes!!!!

Unless you have been overweight, I cannot explain how good all this weight loss feels. Eating healthy has to be a part of my lifestyle because I never, ever want to lose this feeling!!!
sea ya!


  1. Happy Anniversary! I love you guys!

    If I were you...as soon as a pair of pants start feeling loose ....THROW THEM AWAY. Get rid of them FOREVER. Pleeeeease don't save them!!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I hope tonight was super romantical! lol...

    I agree with sandy... throw everything away!!!!

  3. Oh I am, trust me!!! I put them right into the salvation army bag!!!

    Thanks!! we had a really really nice day!!!


  4. You write so well! Love it!

    Happy Anniversary! Enjoy tonight!


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