Weight Loss Ticker - Fat to Phat =)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sea ya 2010

We are less than two days away from 2011!! A new beginning.

I am happy with my weight loss ths year and I will make 2011 another good weight loss year. It's a really big year ahead for me and my family and I am looking forward to it.

Start thinking of your goals for the coming year and think of how you will accomplish them!! I wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year!!

Sea ya next year!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is it me or everyone?

It seems like every blog I read, that everyone has had problems with the eating during the holidays. Come January 1, everyone usually begins their diet and their new health kick lol and then you wonder, how long will it last. I know that I have to find my groove and it better last until I get to goal weight. It would really be nice to be totally at goal by my birthday....can you imagine that?

I need to start focusing and cutting back so that I am totally in the right frame of mind for the New Year. I can do this...I KNOW I CAN DO THIS! SO, let's do it and do it now!!

Sea ya!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Buckle Down

It's definitely time to buckle down and start getting ready for the New Year. I didn't even want to get on the scale today, but I will weigh in on Wednesday and the 31st. I have to cut back this week, so that the New Year will be easier to get started on losing some weight.

I thought I would be at goal weight already, but just like every year, the holidays were way too hard to stay on plan. Next year, I have to remember that I need to drop more weight before the holidays, so that I won't feel so guilty. I think the only reason I haven't felt so bad, is because I know I accomplished a good weight loss this year.

I think that after getting accustomed to this weight, I will be adjusting my goal weight. I will want to lose more than I originally planned. For now, I will first reach the first goal weight and then I will continue. I want to get my dress for the wedding in February, so it is time to buckle down and start the New Year the healthy way!

Sea ya!!

Friday, December 17, 2010


I am officially going to stop beating myself up and I am going to take a break from the blogging until the New Year. I have so much to do and not enough time. If I find time, then I will blog and if not, then I just won't.

I plan on doing lots of exercise these last 2 weeks of the year and I plan on eating right. I want to start out the year weighing in at least at 145. I will be at goal weight by Valentine's day.

I have had a luncheon, practically every day. We also had office parties and weekend parties. Considering all that, I have not done too bad.

I am proud in what I accomplished this year and I am looking forward to being at my goal weight.

I will never quit, because when you quit, you surely will never win!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.....2011 Here we come!!!

Sea ya!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Slowly but Surely

This weekend was not perfect, but it was not as bad as it could have been. haha isn't that a load of shit lol. On Saturday, I had a lunch/dinner at SteaknShake. I had a Frisco Burger, Fries and a Mint Chocolate Chip Shake. That meal had more points then I get for an entire day. Horrible lol. On Sunday, I had a Baby Shower and though I did not eat alot, what I did eat was high in points. I had some Ceasar Salad, Fetucini Alfredo, Lasagna,garlic roll and Red Velvet Cake, Brownie and marshmellow. Another horrible meal. sucks, sucks. The only good thing was that I did not eat anything else on those days.

I must be good this week, because I have a steak dinner on Friday and Progressive Dinner on Saturday. I have nothing on Sunday, so that will be a day of exercise!

The new Weight Watcher program is not so easy and I still need to read all the material. I will continue doing it the old way until I am ready.

I will be walking as soon as I get home!!

Sea ya!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Weekend Time Again

I went to Weight Watchers yesterday, but I did not look at the weigh in...I was too scared hahahaha.
They have a new program, that seems more complicated, but it makes sense because now they are taking carbs, proteins, fiber and fat into consideration. Fruits and Veggies are now zero points, but all the little 100 calorie snacks are higher in points. You also get more daily and more weekly points.

Let's not whine about any weight gain, but instead, let's do something about it and get back in the swing of things.

I will have my weigh in here on Tuesday and I will eat properly this weekend and definitely will be exercising.

I will also be decorating for the holidays and enjoying my home.

Sea ya!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Weigh In and Weekly Update

Today's Numbers:
Starting Weight: 170 lbs
Last Weigh In: 146 lbs
Today's Weigh In: who knows ???
Weight Loss This Week: ???
Total Weight Loss: 24 lbs
Goal Weight: 135 lbs

Not getting on the scale, is NOT a good thing and I know it. I will be going to Weight Watchers today and getting all the documentation for the new program. Hopefully it gets me back in gear. I really need to just start walking in the dark, because I hate not getting in my exercise every single day!!

Why can't losing weight and eating healthy be the most easiest thing...ay lol

Won't give up though!!!

Sea ya!!